Title: 9 Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Better At Oral Sex

Are you looking to spice up your intimate experiences with your partner? Check out these 9 tips for success to improve your partner's oral skills. From communication to experimentation, these tips will help take your oral game to the next level. And if you're looking to explore even more ways to unleash your desires, why not check out Luton's hottest kink personals here?


Oral sex is an important aspect of any healthy sexual relationship, and it's essential that both partners are satisfied in this area. If you feel that your boyfriend could use a little improvement in the oral sex department, fear not! There are plenty of ways to help him become better at giving you pleasure. Here are nine tips to help your boyfriend become a master at oral sex.

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1. Communicate Your Needs:

The first step in helping your boyfriend become better at oral sex is to communicate your needs and desires. Let him know what you like and what feels good for you. Encourage open communication and feedback during the act, so he can adjust his technique to better suit your needs.

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2. Provide Positive Reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement can go a long way in helping your boyfriend improve his oral sex skills. When he does something that feels good, let him know. Moan, sigh, or verbally express your pleasure to encourage him to continue doing what works for you.

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3. Offer Guidance:

If there are specific techniques or areas that you enjoy more than others, don't be afraid to guide your boyfriend. Gently direct his movements or show him what you like with your own hands. Providing guidance will help him understand what feels best for you.

4. Explore Together:

Exploring new techniques and positions together can help your boyfriend become better at oral sex. Try different positions, such as 69 or you on top, to see what feels best for both of you. This exploration can lead to better communication and a deeper understanding of what works for each of you.

5. Encourage Him To Educate Himself:

Encourage your boyfriend to educate himself on the art of oral sex. There are plenty of resources available, such as books, articles, and videos, that can help him learn new techniques and understand the female anatomy better. By taking the initiative to learn, he can become more confident and skilled in giving you pleasure.

6. Practice Makes Perfect:

Like anything else, practice makes perfect. Encourage your boyfriend to practice his oral sex skills regularly. The more he practices, the more he'll understand what works for you and become better at pleasuring you.

7. Be Patient:

Improving at oral sex takes time and patience. Be patient with your boyfriend and understand that it may take some trial and error before he becomes a master at giving you pleasure. Encourage him along the way and celebrate the progress he makes.

8. Reward His Efforts:

When your boyfriend makes an effort to improve his oral sex skills, be sure to reward him. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging him to continue improving and putting in the effort to please you.

9. Seek Professional Help:

If all else fails, consider seeking professional help. A sex therapist or counselor can help both of you improve your communication and sexual relationship, leading to better oral sex for you both.


Helping your boyfriend become better at oral sex doesn't have to be a daunting task. By communicating your needs, offering guidance, and encouraging him to educate himself, you can help him become a master at pleasuring you. With patience, practice, and positive reinforcement, your boyfriend can become the oral sex partner of your dreams.